
Prior cancer and risk of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance: a population-based study in Iceland and Sweden. Haematologica (2024):
Rögnvaldsson S, Thorsteinsdóttir S, Syriopoulou E, Sverrisdottir I, Turesson I, Eythorsson E, Oskarsson JT, Long TE, Vidarsson B, Onundarson PT, Agnarsson BA, Sigurdardottir M, Olafsson I, Thorsteinsdottir I, Aspelund T, Gislason GK, Olafsson A, Sigurdsson JK, Hultcrantz M, Durie BGM, Harding S, Bjorkholm M, Landgren O, Love TJ, Kristinsson SY.

Screening in Multiple Myeloma and Its Precursors: Are We There Yet? A Review Clinical Chemistry. (2024): Saemundur Rognvaldsson, Sigrun Thorsteinsdottir and Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.

Trends of perceived disruption in healthcare services during the pandemic: findings from the COVID-19 National Resilience Cohort in Iceland. Eur J Public Health. (2023): Wang Y, Unnarsdottir AB, Magnusdóttir I, Fang F, Thordardottir EB, Runarsdottir H, Love TJ, Kristinsson SY, Palsson R, Jakobsdottir J, Zoega H, Asbjornsdottir KH, Song H, Hauksdottir A, Aspelund T, Valdimarsdottir UA.

Immunophenotypic assessment of clonal plasma cells and B-cells in bone marrow and blood in the diagnostic classification of early stage monoclonal gammopathies: an iSTOPMM study. Blood Cancer J. (2023): Pérez-Escurza O, Flores-Montero J, Oskarsson JTH, Sanoja-Flores L, Del Pozo J, Lecrevisse Q, Martín S, Reed ER, Hakonardottir GK, Harding S, Thorsteinsdottir S, Rognvaldsson S, Love TJ, Durie B, Kristinsson SY, Orfao A.

Determining hemodilution in diagnostic bone marrow aspirated samples in plasma cell disorders by next-generation flow cytometry: Proposal for a bone marrow quality index. Blood Cancer J. (2023):
Oskarsson JTH, Rognvaldsson S, Thorsteinsdottir S, Aspelund T, Gunnarsson SB, Hakonardottir GK, Sigurdardóttir GA, Thordardottir AR, Gislason GK, Olafsson A, Sigurdsson JK, Eythorsson E, Jonsson A, Vidarsson B, Onundarson PT, Agnarsson BA, Palmason R, Sigurdardottir M, Thorsteinsdottir I, Olafsson Í, Harding S, Flores-Montero J, Orfao A, Durie BGM, Love TJ, Kristinsson SY.

Disease associations with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance can only be evaluated using screened cohorts: results from the population-based iStopMM study. Haematologica. (2023): Sigurbergsdottir AY, Rognvaldsson S, Thorsteinsdottir S, Sverrisdottir I, Sigurdardóttir GA, Vidarsson B, Onundarson PT, Agnarsson BA, Sigurdardottir M, Thorsteinsdottir I, Olafsson I, Thordardottir AR, Gislason GK, Olafsson A, Hultcrantz M, Durie BGM, Harding S, Landgren O, Love TJ, Kristinsson SY.

Physical and cognitive impact following SARS-CoV-2 infection in a large population-based case-control study. Commun Med (Lond). (2023): Holm H, Ivarsdottir EV, Olafsdottir T, Thorolfsdottir R, Eythorsson E, Norland K, Gisladottir R, Jonsdottir G, Unnsteinsdottir U, Sveinsdottir KE, Jonsson BA, Andresdottir M, Arnar DO, Arnthorsson AO, Birgisdottir K, Bjarnadottir K, Bjarnadottir S, Bjornsdottir G, Einarsson G, Eiriksdottir B, Gardarsdottir EE, Gislason T, Gottfredsson M, Gudmundsdottir S, Gudmundsson J, Gunnarsdottir K, Helgadottir A, Helgason D, Hinriksdottir I, Ingvarsson RF, Jonasdottir SS, Jonsdottir I, Karlsdottir TH, Kristinsdottir AM, Kristinsson SY, Kristjansdottir S, Love TJ, Ludviksdottir D, Masson G, Norddahl G, Olafsdottir T, Olafsson I, Rafnar T, Runolfsdottir HL, Saemundsdottir J, Sigurbjornsson S, Sigurdardottir K, Sigurdsson E, Sigurdsson MI, Sigurdsson EL, Steinthorsdottir V, Sveinbjornsson G, Thorarensen EA, Thorbjornsson B, Thorsteinsdottir B, Tragante V, Ulfarsson MO, Stefansson H, Gislason T, Kristjansson M, Palsson R, Sulem P, Thorsteinsdottir U, Thorgeirsson G, Gudbjartsson DF, Stefansson K.

Author Correction: Prevalence of smoldering multiple myeloma based on nationwide screening. Nat Med. (2023): Thorsteinsdottir S, Gislason GK, Aspelund T, Rognvaldsson S, Oskarsson JTH, Sigurdardottir GA, Thordardottir AR, Vidarsson B, Onundarson PT, Agnarsson BA, Sigurdardottir M, Thorsteinsdottir I, Olafsson I, Eythorsson E, Jonsson A, Berlanga O, Hultcrantz M, Durie BGM, Love TJ, Harding S, Landgren O, Kristinsson SY.

Strong site-specific association of pharyngeal cultures with the onset of psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis, regardless of pathogen. Rheumatology (Oxford). (2023): Thrastardottir T, Meer E, Hauksdottir A, Gudbjornsson B, Kristinsson SY, Ogdie A, Love TJ.

Disease associations with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance can only be evaluated using screened cohorts: results from the population-based iStopMM study. Haematologica, (2023): Adalbjorg Yr Sigurbergsdottir, Saemundur Rognvaldsson, Sigrun Thorsteinsdottir, Ingigerdur Sverrisdottir, Gudrun Asta Sigurdardóttir, Brynjar Vidarsson, Pall Torfi Onundarson, Bjarni A Agnarsson, Margret Sigurdardottir, Ingunn Thorsteinsdottir, Isleifur Olafsson, Asdis Rosa Thordardottir, Gauti Kjartan Gislason, Andri Olafsson, Malin Hultcrantz, Brian G M Durie, Stephen Harding, Ola Landgren, Thorvardur Jon Love, Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.

The force awakens, but questions remain: The future of MGUS. British Journal of Haematology Volume 202, Issue 4, (2023): Saemundur Rognvaldsson, Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.

Prevalence of smoldering multiple myeloma based on nationwide screeningNature Medicine, (2023): Sigrun Thorsteinsdóttir, Gauti K. Gislason, Thor Aspelund, Saemundur Rognvaldsson, Jon Þorir Oskarsson, Gudrun A. Sigurdardottir, Asdis R. Thordardottir, Brynjar Vidarsson, Pall T. Onundarson, Bjarni A. Agnarsson, Margret Sigurdardottir, Ingunn Thorsteinsdottir, Isleifur Olafsson, Elias Eythorsson, Asbjorn Jonsson, Oscar Berlanga, Malin Hulcrantz, Brian G. M. Durie, Thorvardur J. Love, Stephen Harding, Ola Landgren, Sigurdur Y. Kristinsson.

Autoimmunity, Infections, and the Risk of Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance. Frontiers, (2022): Adalbjorg Yr Sigurbergsdottir, Thorvardur Jon Love, Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.

The consultant’s guide to smoldering multiple myelomaASH Publications, (2022):                           Sigrun Thorsteinsdottir, Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.

Defining new reference intervals for serum free light chains in individuals with chronic kidney disease: Results of the iStopMM studyBlood Cancer J. 12, 133 (2022): Thorir Einarsson Long, Olafur Skuli Indridason, Runolfur Palsson, Sæmundur Rognvaldsson, Thorvardur Jon Love, Sigrun Thorsteinsdottir, Ingigerdur Solveig Sverrisdottir, Brynjar Vidarsson, Pall Torfi Onundarson, Bjarni Agnar Agnarsson, Margret Sigurdardottir, Ingunn Thorsteinsdottir, Isleifur Olafsson, Asdis Rosa Thordardottir, Elias Eythorsson, Asbjorn Jonsson, Gauti Gislason, Andri Olafsson, Hlif Steingrimsdottir, Malin Hultcrantz, Brian G. M. Durie, Stephen Harding, Ola Landgren, Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.

The half-painted picture: Reviewing the mental health impacts of cancer screeningMedicine, (2022): Lauren P. Wadsworth, Inga Wessman, Andri Steinthor Bjornsson, Gudbjorg Jonsdottir, Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.

Autoimmunity, Infections, and the Risk of Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance. Frontiers in Immunology, (2022): Adalbjorg Yr Sigurbergsdottir; Thorvardur Jon Love, Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.

The first wave of COVID-19 and concurrent social restrictions were not associated with a negative impact on mental health and psychiatric well-being. Journal of Internal Medicine, (2022): Thorvardur Jon Love, Inga Wessman, Gauti Kjartan Gislason, Saemundur Rognvaldsson, Sigrun Thorsteinsdottir, Gudrun Asta Sigurdardottir, Asdis Rosa Thordardottir, Elias Eythorsson, Tinna Laufey Asgeirsdottir, Thor Aspelund, Andri Steinthor Bjornsson, Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.

Validity of chronic disease diagnoses in Icelandic healthcare registries. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, (2021): Saemundur Rognvaldsson, Thorir Einarsson Long, Sigrun Thorsteinsdottir, Thorvarður Jon Love & Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.

Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and COVID-19: a population-based cohort study. Blood Cancer J. 11, 191 (2021): Saemundur Rognvaldsson, Elias Eythorsson, Sigrun Thorsteinsdottir, Brynjar Vidarsson, Pall Torfi Onundarson, Bjarni A. Agnarsson, Margret Sigurdardottir, Ingunn Thorsteinsdóttir, Isleifur Olafsson, Hrafnhildur L. Runolfsdottir, Dadi Helgason, Arna R. Emilsdottir, Arnar S. Agustsson, Aron H. Bjornsson, Gudrun Kristjansdottir, Asdis Rosa Thordardottir, Olafur Skuli Indridason, Asbjorn Jonsson, Gauti Kjartan Gislason, Andri Olafsson, Hlif Steingrimsdottir, Petros Kampanis, Malin Hultcrantz, Brian G. M. Durie, Stephen Harding, Ola Landgren, Runolfur Palsson, Thorvarður Jon Love & Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.

Illness severity and risk of mental morbidities among patients recovering from COVID-19: a cross-sectional study in the Icelandic population. BMJ Open. (2021): Saevarsdóttir KS, Hilmarsdóttir HY, Magnusdottir I, Hauksdottir A, Thordardottir EB, Gudjonsdottir AB, Tomasson G, Runarsdottir H, Jonsdottir HL, Gudmundsdottir B, Petursdottir G, Petersen PH, Kristinsson SY, Love TJ, Hansdottir S, Hardardottir H, Gudmundsson G, Eythorsson E, Gudmundsdottir DG, Sigbjornsdottir H, Haraldsdóttir S, Möller AD, Palsson R, Jakobsdóttir J, Aspelund T, Valdimarsdottir U.

Iceland screens, treats, or prevents multiple myeloma (iStopMM): a population-based screening study for monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and randomized controlled trial of follow-up strategies. Blood Cancer J. 11, 94 (2021): Saemundur Rognvaldsson, Thorvardur Jon Love, Sigrun Thorsteinsdottir, Elin Ruth Reed, Jon Thorir Oskarsson, Iris Petursdóttir, Gudrun Asta Sigurdardottir, Brynjar Vidarsson, Pall Torfi Onundarson, Bjarni A. Agnarsson, Margret Sigurdardottir, Ingunn Thorsteinsdóttir, Isleifur Olafsson, Asdis Rosa Thordardottir, Elias Eythorsson, Asbjorn Jonsson, Andri S. Bjornsson, Gunnar Thor Gunnarsson, Runolfur Palsson, Olafur Skuli Indridason, Gauti Kjartan Gislason, Andri Olafsson, Gudlaug Katrin Hakonardottir, Manje Brinkhuis, Sara Lovisa Halldorsdottir, Tinna Laufey Asgeirsdottir, Hlif Steingrimsdottir, Ragnar Danielsen, Inga Drofn Wessman, Petros Kampanis, Malin Hulcrantz, Brian G. M. Durie, Stephen Harding, Ola Landgren & Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson.