New study from iStopMM: MGUS is not associated with increased risk of COVID-19 or severe COVID-19

Myeloma patients have an increased risk of severe COVID-19. MGUS, the precursor of myeloma, has previously been associated with an increased risk of infections, the formation of blood clots, kidney disease and more. That‘s why there has been some concern that individuals with MGUS are at increased risk from COVID-19. To answer this pressing question, […]
iStopMM presenting 6 abstracts at ASH 2021

International Myeloma Foundation press release: iStopMM charts the way forward in Myeloma research and treatment. This year, iStopMM presents four oral abstracts and two posters at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting held in Atlanta December 11-14. The Annual Meeting presents the newest advances in malignant and non-malignant hematology and provides a good […]
Vilhjalmur Steingrimsson PhD

Vilhjálmur Steingrimsson defended his doctoral thesis Survival and complications in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the pre-ibrutinib era on the 24th September. Opponents were dr. Carsten U. Niemann, professor at Rigshospitalet in Denmark, and dr. Kristjana Hronn Asbjornsdottir, lecturer in epidemiology at the University of Iceland. Vilhjalmur’s supervisor was dr. Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson, professor […]
iStopMM publishes its first paper in the Blood Cancer Journal

In May 2021 iStopMM reached an important milestone, with the publication of the first results of the screening study in its first article, “Iceland screens, treats, or prevents multiple myeloma (iStopMM): a population-based screening study for monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and randomized controlled trial of follow-up strategies” in the Blood Cancer Journal. In this […]
Dr. Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson receives international award

Dr. Sigurdur Yngvi Kristinsson, Professor at the University of Iceland and the study’s principal investigator was the first recepient of the Brian G.M. Durie Outstanding Achievement Award for outstanding research in the field of multiple myeloma. The Brian G.M. Durie Outstanding Achievement Award was first presented on June 12, 2018. Named for IMF Chairman Dr. […]
CNN with Dr. Sanjay Gupta profiles iStopMM project and asks “Why Iceland?”

CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta and his team traveled to Iceland to explore the country’s innovative medical projects. As with nearly everyone who learns of the iStopMM project, Dr. Gupta asked, “Why Iceland?” A large part of the answer relates to numbers and genetics. The population of Iceland is approximately 325,000 people, of […]